美国海军陆战队第一师在长津湖战役中奇迹般地突破了12万中国军队的包围。 为了保卫一个素昧平生民族,美国儿女们牺牲了他们的生命。
(In 1950, the Korean Peninsula was on the front line. The Soviet Union helped to rearm North Korea. North Korea's surprise attack threatened the peace on the Korean Peninsula and Asia. Korea's freedom and democracy were on the brink.
At that decisive moment, the U.S. did not look the other way. Korean and American soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder and fought bravely. Tales of our heroes were written.
General MacArthur caught the enemy off guard with the landing of Incheon and turned the tide of the war. Operation Chromite was one of the greatest decisions ever made in the history of war.
The U.S. 1st Marine Division miraculously broke through a wave of 120,000 Chinese troops at the Battle of Lake Changjin.